Information & Appointments


Family Owned & Operated since 1977 - Lic.Ins. CMC 547

Make Money Referring us to Your Friends & Family

At Seabreeze we want to rewards you for giving us a qualified referral of someone who buys service from us. We will pay you $25 Cash for a referral on a service/repair call, and $125 on a referral for a new unit replacement.

There is no limit to this program, if you have 10 friends who need new air conditioners, you could make $1,250!

Please make sure that all fields are filled out so that we can contact the person you are referring, and we know how to contact you to reward you. All referrals need to become paid customers (buy service from us) for you to qualify for the reward money.

Your information

Your name*:
Your email*:
Your phone*:
Your are:

Your Referral's information

Their name*:
Their email:
Their phone*:
Their City:
